The Shift From Student Back To Child
Education has made a drastic shift over the last couple of decades. With the federal and state focus on accountability, our schools have lost their focus regarding what a school’s true purpose is. Kids come to school to learn and learning doesn’t start and end with Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies. To develop lifelong learners, you must develop life skills and this can only be accomplished by teaching and developing the whole child. Often times, we see the kids that walk into our buildings as just students. Today, students have become commodities that either help or hurt our schools’ accountability. Unfortunately, this is what our current accountability systems have evolved our schools into. It doesn’t have to be this way and we’re challenging you to join the Leaving The Village movement to shift the focus from students back to children.
Our teachers
Meet the Instructor
KELVIN OLIVER is an Educational Consultant specializing in implementing Restorative Practices in Schools. As a campus administrator he played an instrumental role in the development, implementation, and support of Restorative Practices. Kelvin is credited for creating a Restorative Practices campus-based support model that included weekly professional development and an implementation support team. Since 2007, he has worked in education as a special education teacher, classroom teacher, campus math specialist, district curriculum specialist, assistant principal, campus principal and consultant.