Online Courses

Embark on a transformative journey with our on-demand online courses focused on restorative practices, meticulously crafted to accommodate the hectic schedules of educators. Our courses allow you to learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you choose. Whether you're a seasoned educator seeking to deepen your understanding of restorative principles or a newcomer eager to explore transformative approaches to building community, our strategically designed curriculum meets you right where you are. Dive into engaging modules, glean insights from experienced practitioners, and acquire practical tools to foster empathy, accountability, and positive relationships in your educational setting. With expert instructors and comprehensive curricula, our online courses empower individuals to pursue their educational goals on their terms.


Our online courses offer a dynamic and accessible approach to learning for busy educators. With the convenience of Internet access, learners can engage with course materials from anywhere with an Internet connection. Our courses feature a variety of multimedia resources, including videos, interactive modules, quizzes, and discussion forums, fostering an interactive and engaging learning experience.


  • Each lesson video is 15 minutes at maximum, with a short quiz. 
  • You will earn a printable certificate of completion after completing a course.

Premium Online Courses